Sunday, March 23, 2014


Parts of "Lego" going to work keyboard

Amateur "Lego" Jason Allemann (Jason Allemann) assembled from parts designer popular computer keyboard. The keyboard is fully functional and can be used to enter text and other operations, the site says enthusiast.

As a basis for its project Allemann used an old keyboard with a PS / 2 connector, found on the street. From it he borrowed a fee, a rubber plate and a cable for connecting to a computer. He produced the remaining elements of the "Lego".

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From the designer built keyboard case, keys and pushers that when you press on the "dome" rubber plate. The most difficult, according to Allemann, was to combine the key and "dome". For this he had to fix the keys with pushers on the frame. Framework, in turn, he was of the axes included in the "road" kits "Lego".

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Allemann decided not to put the characters on the keys manually and do not use ready-made stickers. Blocks with numbers and letters he found in the sets of "Lego", and for a number of buttons invented their own designations: Caps Lock key marked baseball cap (cap), and press Scroll Lock - block with the image of the scroll (scroll), also taken from the "Lego" .

Jason Allemann been designing of "Lego" at least since 2005. Among his previous projects - a flying machine Da Vinci, trebuchet , land vehicle , auto piano and play " Labyrinth . "


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